Bespoke Tailored Online Subscription Based Training

Youtube and other Social media based channels offer a plethora of videos and marketing led advice often Free to the viewer. These platforms are aimed at a general audience and may have similarities , to any viewers dog or issue, but they are not specific to You or your dog, or your personal set of circumstance.

These media platforms regarding dog training are almost all exclusive with video and text explanation showing someone else’s dog doing something with them . 

1. Your dedicated training page on Polmaise Dog Training is private between you and the trainer.

No other member can see what is posted or discussed. It is bespoke and unique as all video and direct text or voice call is specifically regarding you and your dog.

2. This personal page normally starts with a first post showing an unedited video of first meeting following a 1-1 arranged session/visit with bullet point reminders and discussion moving forward , however it is not unusual for new members to join on-line without a personal meeting 1-1 training session.

3. Members  can move up or down these levels monthly as you progress.

4. All members have access to my numerous personal training pages with different dogs at different levels with my own dogs and clients dogs of all breeds past and present from start to finish unedited and or Live .

Summary :

You grow your own page and be as active as you wish ,and include the content you want .

Posting videos of where you are at any point of your training will receive guidance and advice from the trainer. Posting and asking for help or discussion on your page regarding your dog will receive guidance and advice from the trainer .

Non active participation from you on your page will receive the same from the trainer.

Our online subscription is available HERE

Contact us.
+44 (0)7815 574829